Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Commercial "prop"erty

Part 2 - here are some samples of props created specifically for commercial applications. I actually love small props, every one is different, they are incredibly intriguing and rewarding to make!

The following props are made to be shot "in camera", so (aside from text on the plane) they are not digital composites, which actually makes them a lot more fun to shoot as well. :)

Yes, I physically (and with some effort) moved that 4" thick marine rope
into the logo shape on a dock we had custom-painted in the Port red,
covering an area of about 100 square feet. And that man is actually sitting
inside a mock-up kit plane I constructed out from massive sheets of
cardboard, in addition to styling him in authentic period flying gear.
I also designed, sketched and did the intricate cut-outs on the paper sculptures.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Creating the right setting

Today I got to thinking about all the sets I've done and decided to gather up some samples from the last few years. These sets are all studio sets that I designed, painted, filled with props, furniture, flooring, etc.

Lucky for me, Fred is pretty handy with the big tools, so big kudos to him for creating the walls, wooden flooring, and other structures that were the base for so many different looks.

These sets were mainly fashion-oriented, or for creative works. It's getting late, so I think I'll do a follow-up post in a bit to show set dec and props for commercial shoots.

This series is from our current studio (see the first image), and certainly many more to come in future!

This next series was created in our previous studio location: